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BOS Minutes - 12/14/04
Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
December 14, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ira Wood.  Selectmen in attendance included Michael May, Dale Donovan, Helen Miranda Wilson and Jerry Houk.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

The Board held a public hearing to consider adoption of a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for the Town of Wellfleet.  Donovan read the public notice.  Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson explained that the Town has a hazard response plan in place and that the proposed mitigation plan is to address actions taken before a disaster happens.  He noted that with acceptance of this plan, the Town will be eligible for grants for mitigation projects and disaster relief funds.  He outlined the team’s approach in drafting the Plan including identifying and ranking vulnerable areas in Town and creating a list of mitigation objectives and actions.  He noted that action steps will be implemented over the next five years at which time the plan will be reviewed.  It was suggested that the new water system and the shellfish industry be included in the plan.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously to accept the draft Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan.

·       Houk announced that the Wellfleet Children’s Association is selling a calendar with drawings by children at the Wellfleet Elementary School for $10 as a fund raiser for the after school program.

The Board discussed:
a)  Flex Route Transit Proposal - Jacqui Wildes summarized the process leading up to the proposal and introduced Clay Scofield of the Cape Cod Commission.  Mr. Scofield presented the Flex Route proposal noting that the proposal is for year-round, frequent bus service with flexible routes for the seven towns from Brewster to Provincetown.  He showed a map of the service area in Wellfleet and noted other areas in the Country where this kind of a system has worked, benefits of the proposed system, costs (Wellfleet - $23,029) and economic benefits.  Houk noted Senator Delahunt’s support of funding for this project and urging for Board support.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously to approve this service as presented tonight.  
b)  Plowing of Private Roads - DPW Director Mark Vincent reviewed the Town’s inventory of roads both public and private, dirt and paved.  He noted that there are new paved developments with property owners requesting services and that his resources for plowing and sanding have been exhausted.  He outlined three options for Board consideration.  May disclosed that he lives on a private paved road.  Discussion included the need for Town Meeting to adopt Chapter 40, Section 6C, plowing only those private roads where property owners have agreed to keep the road open to the public at all times and emergency vehicle access.  There was consensus to take no action at this time and to discuss this matter again at a future meeting.

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c)  Request for Dedication of 2004 Annual Report – the requests for dedication of the 2004 Annual Report to Richard Dickey were noted.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to dedicate the 2004 Annual Town Report to Richard Dickey and those who devoted their time and talent to the Town of Wellfleet.  The extensive contributions  of Bill McCord were noted.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Wood, the Board voted 4-0-1, with Donovan abstaining, to reconsider the previous motion and to dedicate the 2004 Annual Town Report to all people equally.
d)  Business Licenses – on a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the business licenses as printed on the agenda.  (Jack’s Boat Rentals, Inc. (Route 6); Jack’s Boat Rentals, Inc. (Gull Pond); Cherrystone Gallery; Davis Gallery; Boathouse Gift Shop; Kite Gallery; Wellfleet Marine Corp. (boat yard); Wellfleet Marine Corp. (rental booth); Wellfleet Marine Corp. (pier store); Snooper Sport Fishing; Kevin Coakley; Jac’s Mate; Cape Mariner Excursions/Naviator; Boathouse Fish Market; Mainstay Motor Inn; Wellfleet Motel & Lodge; Wellfleet Marketplace, Inc.; Hatch’s Fish Market, Inc.; Southfleet Motor Inn; Sweet Season’s Inc.; Maurice’s Campground, Inc.)
e)  Renewal of Annual Liquor Licenses – Donovan moved and May seconded a motion to approve the Annual Liquor Licenses of Joseph Lema and Son, Inc.; Wellfleet Texaco and Wellfleet Mobil.  On a motion by Houk seconded by Wilson, the Board voted 3-2, with May and Donovan voting against, to amend the motion to read to renew the beer and wine licenses of Joseph Lema and Son, Inc.; Wellfleet Texaco and Wellfleet Mobil.  The Board voted 3-2, with May and Donovan voting against, in favor of the original motion as amended.
f)  ABCC Renewal Certification 2005 – on a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the 2005 ABCC Renewal Certification.
g)  ABCC Population Estimate for Seasonal Licenses in 2005 – on a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to set the 2005 ABCC seasonal license estimate at 17,500.
h)  Approval of Appointment of Call Firefighters – on a motion by Houk, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously 4-0, with Wilson recusing, to approve the appointment of Thomas C. Pellegrino, Maurice Wiley and Greta Maria as call Firefighters and the appointment of Kelly Gazzano as a seasonal call Firefighter/EMT.
i)  Pier Fuel Bid – May recused himself and left the table.  The Town Administrator recommended that the Harbormaster’s Department continue to operate the fuel dock noting that a profit was made this year.  May rejoined the Board.
j)  Request for Proclamation:  Rachel Carson Day – Wilson moved and Houk seconded a motion to approve the resolution proclaiming May 27th as Rachel Carson Day.  After further discussion Wilson withdrew the motion and Houk withdrew his second.
k)  Liza Caruso’s Application for the Recycling Commission – there was consensus to schedule an interview with Ms. Caruso.
l)  Rotation of Board Chairmanship – Donovan noted that there is no policy in place requiring rotation of the chairmanship of the Board of Selectmen.
m) Draft Annual Town Report – Wood asked that Board members submit their comments on the draft report as soon as possible.  On a motion by May, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve and submit the report with the understanding that Wood will incorporate member comments.
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Houk indicated that he will be out of Town from January 7 through 24th.

Correspondence – Donovan presented the correspondence report.
·       Department of Housing and Community Development, information on emergency heating assistance programs – noted.
·       Request from Town Clerk to hold future elections at the Senior Center – there was consensus to discuss this at a future meeting.
·       Drew Brown’s resignation from the Barnstable County Solid Waste Advisory Committee – there was consensus to send Mr. Brown a letter of thanks and for the Town Administrator to speak with the DPW Director regarding possible candidates willing to serve.  Donovan was asked to draft the letter of thanks.
·       Board/Committee Applications - applicants for appointment to the Alternative Energy Committee and Open Space Committee were noted.
·       Betty Kimball, Wellfleet Community Forum Adopt-A-Highway Program – there was consensus to send a letter of thanks to Ms. Kimball and the Wellfleet Community Forum and the Wellfleet Bay Audubon Society for participating in the Adopt-A-Highway Program.  Donovan was asked to draft the letters of thanks.

Town Administrator comments – the Town Administrator noted receipt of a bid from Cape Cod Builders and General Contracting for roof repairs at 335 Main Street in the amount of $40,000.  Discussion included whether or not to go forward with all aspects of this project considering the Board’s vote to go forward with Option 5.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by Houk, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid with the proviso that the Town Administrator will try to refigure Alternate 1.

·       Wilson indicated that she will be submitting information to Board members regarding the possibility of the Post Office moving back to the Central District.

Donovan moved and May seconded a motion to approve the minutes of November 23, 2004.  On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to accept an amendment from Wilson.  A motion by Wilson for a second amendment to the minutes was not seconded.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of November 23, 2004 with one amendment.

Future meetings/agendas – there was consensus not to meet on December 28th and to schedule a discussion with the Board of Health regarding water issues at the next meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners.

On a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted 4-1, with Wilson voting against, to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.

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                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Linda Smulligan
                                                        Administrative Assistant

Ira Wood, Chair                           Michael May                                       Dale Donovan

Helen Miranda Wilson                 Jerry Houk